We Help Chinese Suppliers
Find American Customers
Novanty is the largest US based
Manufacturing Representative for Chinese Suppliers.
- More Sales - Guaranteed! -
What is Novanty
We help Chinese Suppliers get more orders from Western Buyers by making the offer better than their competition.
Two ways to get more business
“Here is how we find new Buyers for you.”
Plan: 1
Get more customers- We find out who your competitors sell too and our US based sales team aggressively targets them with calls and emails.
- These are Buyers who already buy in volume the exact types of products you sell.
Plan: 2
Win more quotes- Simply add “Credit terms available to qualified Buyers.” to all your quotes and you could increase your sales by 4 times!
- Win more jobs, guaranteed!
- Save jobs you had already lost.
Win More Business
Our secret weapon

Western Buyers
As westerners ourselves, western Buyers are much more likely to take our call than your call. We can add a level of trust and cultural understanding.
We also have a much closer understanding of what western companies actually want.
Credit Terms
In both plans, we offer the customer’s credit terms for you. That way there is no risk or wait to you.
We pay you according to your normal terms, then we give your customer more time to pay. Improving their cash flow in ways they can’t get with your competitor. Making your offer really stand out.
If they don’t pay, it’s our problem, not yours.